TFK is educational based organization.we want to help education sector in our Moulvibazar district .specially organizing merit test, debate competition, Quiz competition, Quran tilawat competition, establishing libraries , technical institutes, helping needy students, scholarships, online learning and providing books, note books etc.
Chairman's Message
The importance of education lies in its continuity, learning is a lifetime process that will stop with our death. It is the foundation for the development of a healthy individual and society. Our world cannot have a bright future if our culture lacks education. Education is the key to success . It is an important tool that allows a person to understand his or her rights and responsibilities to his or her family, society, and nation. It improves a person’s ability to view the world and to fight against misdoings such as injustice, corruption, and violence, among other things. confidence is one of the finest aspects of success. Education boosts a person’s self- assurance. You can go further into a topic that you are already familiar with. With the information you’ve obtained through your schooling, you can converse about that issue far better than others. Education is meant to hone talent, sharpen our mindsets and educate us on a myriad of things. In school, we cover a variety of topics such as history, arithmetic, geography, politics, science, math and so on. These subjects sharpen children’s minds and allow the kid to absorb knowledge from all subjects, his or her mental level is increased. TFK gathers student to have competition each other so student can have gain more confidence and strong mind set which will help them in their battle field of life.
Bakshi Mamunur Rahman
Founder & Chairman
TFK Moulvibazr.
Co-Chairman's Message
Tfk is educational based organization.we want to help education sector in our Moulvibazar district .specially organizing merit test ,establishing libraries , technical institutes, helping needy students, scholarships, online learning and providing books, note books etc.tfk is officially helping students since 2019 before that tfk was helping in small group of students to buy books and fees.
Aminul Islam Koyes
Co-Chairman & Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Help Student
Technical institute
Online Education
Online free Library
Merit Test
Debate Competition
Quran Tilawat Competition
Quiz Competition
Scholarship Funds
Bakshi Shamim Ahmed
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Founder of MRA Fundation
Tawhida Bakshi Orphan Foundation
Portsmouth, Uk
MD Arafath Ahmed
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Portsmouth, Uk
Bakshi Munaem Ahmed
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Bakshi M kawsar
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Shah Ataur Rahman
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Voice Of Moulvibazar
Cardiff, Uk
Bakshi Misbahur Rahman
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
TFK Executive Council
Fazlul Karim Chowdhury
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Bakshi Ajmal Hussain
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Md Redowan Boksh
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Md Juwel Ahmed
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Muhibur Islam Maya
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Habibur Rahman Shumon
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
New York,USA
Talebur Rahman Makhon
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Md NazruI Islam
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Mawlana Bashir Ahmad
Founding member
TFK Moulvibazar
Principal ,Uluail Islamia Alim Madrasha
Permanent Council
This council has all the power to run the whole organization. its has more committees with the permanent council. Permanent council can call off any other committees for organizations benefits.
Bakshi M Rahamn
Chairman & Founder
Md Aminul Islam Koyes
Co Chairman
Bakshi Misbahur Rahman
Md Bashir Ahmed
Bakshi M kawser
Joint Secretary
Bakshi A Hussain
Organizing Secretary
bakshiajmalhossen@gmail.com 01717130951
Fazlul Karim Chowdhury
Joint Organizing Secretary
Office Secretary
Bakshi Zuber Ahmed
Finance Secretary
Legal Secretary
Planning Secretary
Education Secretary